Wednesday, 7 January 2015

My First Spin Class

On Monday I went to my first ever spin class which was 45 minutes of non-stop exercise!

It was pretty much what I expected it to be like. 

My step-daughter came with me, which I'm grateful for as we were both beginners to spin.

When we arrived I told the instructor that we were new and hadn't taken part in a spin class before.

He helped us to set up our bikes and thankfully he put us both right at the back of the class!

Spin bikes are a bit different to your normal exercise bikes. They have quite large, thin wheels and the resistance dial is a lever that you move up for low resistance and down for more resistance.

Your feet are strapped into the pedals, although it took me a while to get used to this as my feet did slip out a few times!

The lights were dimmed, disco lights turned on and the music started to play loudly!

To start off we sat down and cycled or 'spinned' for a while gradually getting faster.

I found this part the hardest because there was no resistance at all so my legs were just spinning around and my knees buckled a few times so I was literally just supporting my entire lower body with my arms!

As the class progressed and we put our tension up I started to get a bit more used to it, although on a few occasions I didn't up my resistance as much as I should have, so the instructor came over and upped it for me a few times!

We then alternated standing up for a few minutes and then sitting down for a few minutes getting faster and with more resistance.

It took me a while to get into it, but when I did I didn't find it too bad and I actually enjoyed it!

Even though about ten minutes in I swore to myself that I wouldn't do it again!

Having said that both me and my step-daughter have booked onto spin class next Tuesday again!

I just hope we're at the back again and that I'm a bit better at it second time around!

Oh and here's proof that I did actually go! My red, sweaty face afterwards!

My legs and bum we're aching a bit the following day and my arms were a bit bruised from where I was leaning on the bike! 

I'm really looking forward to going again!


  1. I love spinning! You'll soon et used to it!

    1. I think it'll take a few classes, but I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to going again x

  2. It's great, after first few weeks. Keep going lovely 👏👏👏👏

  3. I love spinning but I remember being fairly horrified within the first 5 minutes!! Like you though I signed up for my next class straight away! Madness!

    1. Haha, I'm glad I powered through it and am looking forward to my next class x

  4. Wow sounds like such hard work! I tried it years ago once but genuinely thought I was going to die after!! Definitely not for me! ;) #binkylinky xx

  5. I've never even heard of this, let alone tried it! Sounds very intense, which means it must be good! #binkylinky

  6. Well done you. My friend does spin and says it's very physically demanding. I have a bad knee so don't think I could manage it.

  7. Well done! It sounds like hard work though, so keep at it! #BinkyLinky Ickle Pickle & Mummy x

  8. sounds great, ive never tried a spin class. I would like to try something new like that this year.

  9. Flipping heck! Well done you - I did a spinning class once but NEVER again!! It really wasn't for me I'm afraid. Keep up the great work. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x

  10. You feel so good after don't you! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts, please add my badge or link back if you can. Thanks

  11. I'm thinking of booking a class for when Potato is at nursery. Sounds like a great way to start training for this year's challenge!
    Well done you for giving it a go. Sounds fun but hard work :)

  12. Well done you! Spinning is no joke, hope you enjoy your next class.

  13. I've often wondered what a spinning class actually entails so thanks for the blogpost ! :)
