Friday 19 December 2014

A little update of some progress I've made on my goals

In my last post I shared details about how I plan to achieve my goals. I have already made some progress so I thought I would share my progress with you!

Goal: Lose weight

Today I went to my local leisure centre and signed up for a free active membership card.

This means that I can now take part in some of the classes.

I'm planning on starting off with one class a week and then the more I get used to it I might increase that to twice a week, but we'll see!

The class I think I'll most likely go for is circuits. On the leisure centre website this is described as:

This workout combines both aerobic activities and strength conditioning exercises, to give you one of the ultimate fitness classes. Burn those calories to the Max! Suitable for all levels, just come along and challenge yourself!

It sounds perfect for me as I'm a complete beginner, although it is an hour long so I hope I last that long!

I'll be starting these classes in January.

Goal: Complete Cancer Research's Race for Life

My sister and I have signed up the pretty muddy version of Race for Life in July 2015 and we're both really looking forward to it! 

Hopefully starting my circuits classes will help me to improve my fitness in preparation for this!

If you'd like to sponsor us you can visit our fundraising page here.


  1. Oh go you!! Well done, I don't think you need to lose weight, but getting healthy is always a good idea xx

    1. Thanks Jo. I just feel like I need to lose a stone or two and tone up my mummy tummy! I'd like to get healthier too! 5k is a struggle so need all the help I can get for race for life next year! x
